Passion” is the emotion that goes hand-in-hand with the daily work of this company, founded long ago, and that in today’s world faces market challenges with great discipline and enthusiasm.


Precision machinery

Zurvit has been operating in the precision machinery sector for many years.

Created as a family business under the name “Torneria meccanica di precisione”, it is based in Canavese, a region noted for the excellence of its industrial products.

Zurvit is well known both in Italy and abroad for the quality of its products designed for industrial, railway and automotive applications.


Flexibility in the production

Each year Zurvit exports over one million turned, drilled and milled components to Germany, France and the USA.

All over the world, products of the highest quality including railway equipment, wind farms and heavy earth-moving, drilling and industrial lifting machines are equipped with components manufactured by Zurvit.

Precision and quality are essential watchwords in the everyday life of the company and its seventy workers.


Technological innovation

The Zurvit of today, dynamic and dedicated to constant technological innovation, is the fruit of the second generation of entrepreneurs.

These young people are always on hand, responsible, conscious of the heritage handed down by their parents, and keenly aware of the exacting nature of their work.

Zurvit puts people first. The workforce are young, and operate in a relaxed, co-operative environment in which flexibility, team working, problem solving and multitasking are all key factors in the drive to satisfy ever more demanding customers.


With the present document the General Management of ZURVIT SRL states its will and commitment to
constantly maintain and improve its own Quality Management System.
The General Management and the all organization are continuosly committed to the following :

  • To respect and satisfy Customer, Market and interested Parties requirements;
  • To put into practice, accurately and systematically legal requirements applicable to the product;
  • To constantly improve internal processes and activities with the aim of satisfying Customers and Interested Parties demands and expectations ;
  • To approach sustainability concerning internal activities and processes;
  • To prevent accidents and occupational diseases by means of prompt risk-analysis actions and mitigation factors.

The execution of the above mentioned commitments is performed through activities that define short and medium term objectives; the identification and planning of the resources necessary to achieve those goals and adequate monitoring actions so to ensure their achievement over time and the fulfilment of Customers and Interested Parties expectations.
In particular , for the year 2022-2023 the General Management wants to launch a MANAGEMENT CONTROL PROJECT which involves the following 4 points:

  1.  Start a process digitization with the implementation of a software solution for the management of production, maintenance and quality, capable of communicationg with the current management system used for commercial and administrative processes.
  2. Keep the KPI framework of the various processes updated to better identify the most significant ones and reset the relative monitoring also following the new digitization system
  3. Strengthen the activities and initiatives put in place to make the processes more efficient also following the global economic situation (study and choice of the most suitable tools, control of the RdA of consumables through an automatic warehouse, introduction of SPC principles for product quality monitoring).
  4. Complete the skills management path to increase awareness and knowledge of the objectives, responsibilities and activities for the reference job.

Furthermore the Direction wants to :

Create a Code of CONDUCT to outline the rules of conduct and guidelines aimed at actively involving theworkers in the company improvement process.

The application of the above-mentioned objectives will be monitored and documented through data collection and analysis as well as with internal audits on the system, its processes and products.

Information contained in the present document will be transmitted to all staff working for ZURVIT SRL, at all levels of the organization and will be made available for all interested Parties upon request.

Torre Canavese, 24th, October 2022

The General Management